How embedded systems are linked to the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT)

Discover the benefits of outsourcing engineering services for businesses growth. EBOOK – How can creative ideas be turned into disruptive products in a changing environment? Trends, tactics, teams, and technology to consider for innovative product development! Download ebook The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution is already transforming businesses and everyday life. With IoT, objects become […]

Orthogone Technologies designs the future of electronic trading

electronic trading results on screen

Montreal, November 9, 2022 – Orthogone Technologies, a Canadian multi-disciplinary engineering company that provides consulting services in R&D and electronic product development, is proud to design the future of electronic trading by unveiling the Ultra-Low Latency (ULL) FPGA Framework. This solution, supported on the new Alveo™ X3 accelerator cards from AMD, results from more than […]

Luc Leblanc, ÉTS Ambassador – 2022

Luc Leblanc is establishing himself among the industry’s leaders! Winner of the ÉTS Ambassador Award, which recognizes graduates who, through their concrete actions, contribute to the influence and positioning of ÉTS in Quebec and elsewhere, Luc Leblanc says he is honored to be named an ÉTS Ambassador. For him, this is not only a fine […]

Partnering with Engineering Services Providers (ESPs) to speed up product development

Increasing technological needs of OEMs Engineering services outsourcing (ESO) refers to outsourcing engineering activities such as design, software architecture, simulation, R&D consulting, and product development to specialized vendors or engineering services providers (ESPs). The ESO market has grown significantly as requirements are at such a level that they need core competencies in niche markets. Original […]

How to overcome the 5 main challenges in custom software development?

Custom software development is the process of conceptualizing, designing, and developing software for a specific product, individual or an organization. Custom software is built to address specific product or users’ needs. Whether it’s a lack of time to recruit, the need for specific expertise, tight deadlines, or other reasons, in this competitive and evolving industry, […]

How OEMs respond to high-tech talent shortage?

In the context of emerging technologies, competition for high-tech talent in companies is increasingly fierce, both to be first to market with innovative solutions and to find the talent to design and develop those solutions. According to a recent report from Gartner “Technology executives think that talent shortage is the biggest barrier to the adoption […]

Get to know Richard Brunelle, Senior Embedded Software Designer at Orthogone

Orthogone’s team has a variety of backgrounds and specialties. Richard Brunelle has been working at Orthogone for six years. He completed his studies in Montreal, at L’ÉTS, and is living since four years in Quebec City. He has 25 years of experience in software development, notably in the automotive, telecommunication and television broadcasting fields. Meet […]

How to meet the challenges of developing innovative embedded software in our connected world

Discover the benefits of outsourcing engineering services for businesses growth. EBOOK – How can creative ideas be turned into disruptive products in a changing environment? Trends, tactics, teams, and technology to consider for innovative product development! Download ebook The world of electronics and modern technology is constantly evolving, and organizations need experts with mastery over […]

Get to Know Raphaël Lemay, Software Developer at Orthogone.

The team at Orthogone includes people with varied backgrounds and specialties. Raphaël Lemay (Software Developer) joined the team in 2018 after his internship at Orthogone and completing his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering at L’ÉTS (École de Technologie Supérieure). Meet Software Developer Raphaël Lemay Q: How did you end up working at Orthogone? A: Before working at Orthogone, I […]