Broadband Wireless Communication

High-capacity mesh radio systems for public safety and defense applications
The Challenge
Develop high-capacity mesh radio systems that surpass commercial equipment
CLIENT: Ultra Electronics TCS.
LOCATION: London, UK and Montreal, Canada
Create high-capacity multichannel, multiband, point-to-point (PTP), point-to-multipoint (PMP), and mesh radio systems for public safety and defence applications. These systems must be done at a reasonable price and over a scarce frequency spectrum and meet specific military performance standards and use cases, including security and survivability requirements that are far more rigorous than those for commercial equipment.
Meet military-specific performance requirements
Broadband communication services across multiple networks
Need to be done over a scarce frequency spectrum
The Solution
Partner with Orthogone for technical expertise
To overcome these challenges, a radical approach was required. This was accomplished by leveraging programmable 4G technology into FPGA and Network Processors combined with state-of-the-art broadband RF technologies.
The implementation of an efficient, multiband, and cost-effective radio system.
In-depth customization across multiple layers of the wireless communication stack was then possible to support the various network topologies, security and service delivery requirements of the many use cases needed by military communications. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithms combined with RF technologies were instrumental in realizing a high-performance, multi-band and cost-effective radio system.
- Hardware and mechanical design concept and architecture
- Design of wideband RF transceivers (FDD/TDD, 2×2 MIMO)
- Hardware design based on Xilinx FPGA and NXP network processors
- Post-layout simulations of high-speed mixed-signal circuits
- System modelling and simulations (Matlab/Simulink) and FPGA detailed architecture of Modem and network processing sub-system (QAM, OFDMA)
- HW and RF Testing and characterization, HW/FPGA/SW Integration and production support
- EMIC/EMC, ESD Test and characterization to ensure compliance with standards
Software Architecture, Design, Tests & Integration
- The end-to-end architecture of real-time embedded software of the entire radio system (network processing, MAC and routing, security and encryption, RF calibration, etc.)
- Multiple Board Support Packages and device drivers (PCIe, USB, SPI, I2C, Ethernet, SW/FW upgrades, etc.)
- Networking functions: packet classification, switching, routing, Quality-of-Service (QoS), ingress/egress policing, etc.
- Wireless Medium Access Controller (MAC) communication stacks design, customization and optimization
- Optimization of throughput and latency performances of multiple hardware accelerators (encryption, packet classifier) using advanced software design algorithms
- Porting, customization, and integration of LTE User Equipment (Band-14) to improve the coverage and the mobility performances of the radio systems
- Multiple developments of automated scripts to test, characterize and calibrate the radio system performances
- Development of configurable network traffic generator enabling test and characterization (throughput, latency, jitter) of multiple radio systems with different node topologies (PTP, PTMP, mesh)

- Xilinx FPGAs
- NXP Network Processor
- Broadband wireless RF transceiver
- MIMO Technologies, OFDM, QAM
The Result
Innovative technology development to ensure high-performance broadband wireless communication
Our experts have developed innovative technologies for this high-performance, broadband wireless communication system with a focus on security and reliability – top priorities when designing equipment for government infrastructure, spaceflight and peacekeeping missions.
The solution delivers broadband communication services across multiple network topologies under various service delivery requirements including quality of service, latency, throughput, resiliency, and mobility.
After multiple successful demos, field trials, and certification testing, the product is now in full production with multiple clients. Orthogone acted as lead consultant in the technical due diligence for the strategic acquisition of intellectual property (IP).
Our team has supported multiple field trials, and attended several face-to-face meetings with numerous international customers, to make technical presentations and demonstrations of the solution. A research project on advanced multi-user access systems and adaptive antennas was conducted by our team to support our customers.